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Acknowledged Arbitrators

How to become a C-SAR Arbitrator?

CEPANI’s list of acknowledged arbitrators in Sports Arbitration is reviewed twice a year.

The C-SAR has a public list of arbitrators who have undergone specific training provided by C-SAR or by an organisation approved by C-SAR, relating to the regulations of each sports federation in which a C-SAR arbitration clause is included. This list is published on the C-SAR website and updated twice a year. The prospective arbitrator must be able to certify to the Secretariat that he/she has followed, within the five years preceding his/her appointment or confirmation, the training relating to the regulations of the sports federation or the sports practice referred to in the request for arbitration.

The C-SAR procedures are handled in French and in Dutch.

Acknowledged Arbitrators

Benoit Allemeersch

Partner, Quinz

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Jens Benoot

Partner, Janson

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Maxime Berlingin

Partner (Head of DR Department) / Lecturer, Fieldfisher / UCLouvain

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Hakim Boularbah

Partner, Loyens & Loeff

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Steven Callens

Lawyer - Partner, Simont Braun

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Marie Canivet

Co-Managing Partner, Osborne Clarke

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Olivier Caprasse

Arbitrator, Counsel, Professor, Caprasse Arbitration (SRL OLCADR)

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Marc Dal


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Dominique De Marez

Attorney, Eubelius BV

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Dirk De Meulemeester

Lawyer - Arbitrator, DMDB Law

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Marijn De Ruysscher

Counsel, Lydian

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Jean-Pierre Fierens

Senior Partner, Strelia

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Adrien Fink

Lawyer, KPMG Law

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Vanessa Foncke

Lawyer / Arbitrator, Jones Day

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Geoffrey Froidbise

Lawyer, Altius

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Pia Sobrana Gennari Curlo

Arbitrator, LMBD

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Sophie Goldman

Partner, Tossens Goldman Gonne

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Steve Griess

Lawyer, Thales

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Alexander Hansebout

Partner, ALTIUS

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Bruno Hardy

Partner, Liedekerke

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Hennie Herijgers

Certified auditor, BDO Bedrijfsrevisoren

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Gaetano Jannone

Partner, Eversheds Sutherland LLP

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Lily Kengen

Lawyer, Tossens Goldman Gonne

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Joanna Kolber

Partner - Attorney-at-Law, Strelia

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Gilles Laguesse


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Denys Leboutte

Auditor, SRL 3R, LEBOUTTE & C°

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Francoise Lefèvre

Partner, Lefèvre Arbitration SRL

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Benjamin Marchandise

Partner, Schoups

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Gautier Matray

Attorney, Matray, Matray & Hallet

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Joris Mertens

Partner - Bedrijfsrevisor - Réviseur d'entreprise, KPMG

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Lawrence Muller

Lawyer, Van den berg & Partners

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Karen Paridaen

Associate, NautaDutilh

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Flip Petillion

Lawyer, Deputy judge in the Court of Appeals of Brussels, Arbitrator, PETILLION

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Maud Piers

Associate Professor of Arbitration Law and ADR, University of Ghent

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Yannick Radi

Professor of International Law, UCLouvain - Faculty of Law

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Marco Schoups

Lawyer, Schoups

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Alexandre Streel

Partner, Company Auditor, BDO

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Alex Tallon

Lawyer - Vice President CCBE, Miles Legal

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Jean-Francois Tossens

lawyer and arbitrator, Tossens Goldman Gonne

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Sigrid Van Rompaey


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Philippe Venken

Partner, Company Auditor, BDO Bedrijfsrevisoren bv

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Herman Verbist

Attorney, Everest Attorneys

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Dorothée Vermeiren

Partner, Clifford Chance LLP

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Contact CEPANI

Rue des Sols Stuiverstraat 8 — B-1000 Brussels — +32 2 515 08 35
BTW BE 0413 975 115

Financial information

BNP  BE45 2100 0760 8589 (BIC GEBABEBB)
KBC  BE28 4300 1693 9120 (BIC KREDBEBB)
ING   BE36 3100 7204 1481 (BIC BBRUBEBB)

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