Area of specialisation
Bar admission
Experience with legal system
Professional experience
In 2014, I began my career at the office of the President of the Bar E. Boydens. Later on, I joined NautaDutilh (2007-2011) and VWEW (2011-2018). Each time in the Litigation & Dispute resolution department. I have been a partner (still in Dispute Resolution) at Schoups since September 2018.As a litigator, I have conducted numerous arbitrations (CEPANI, ICC or ad hoc) in various capacities:
- arbitrator's assistant (Marc van der Haegen and Alain Vanderelst);
- counsel to the plaintiff ;
- counsel to the defendant.
I handle arbitrations in all three languages (FR, NL and EN). I am French-speaking, having studied in Dutch (and registered with the Dutch-speaking Bar Association of Brussels). I have also studied in the UK.