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Personal information
  • Languages: French , English , Dutch
  • Nationality: Belgium
  • Country of residence: Belgium

Area of specialisation

  • Arbitration Administrative Law Construction, Engineering Environment Mediation Real Estate Sales, Purchases Tort law

Bar admission

  • Belgium

Experience with legal system

  • Belgium
  • France
  • United Kingdom
  • Netherlands

Professional experience

Marco Schoups is a Partner at Schoups. He obtained his law degree magna cum laude in 1986 at the KU Leuven. He is a lawyer at the Bar of the province of Antwerp and the Bar of Brussels.
Marco has thirty-five years of experience in assisting companies with proceedings and arbitration, as well as with contract work, providing advice and conducting negotiations. He regularly publishes and gives lectures as well as in-house trainings. Since August 2021, he has been recognised as a mediator in civil and corporate matters.
Marco Schoups was President of the Bar Association of the Bar of the province of Antwerp from 2018 – 2020.
Since the academic year 2020-2021 Marco teaches the practical course “Construction Law” at the KU Leuven.
He is listed with Legal 500 and Chambers as Leading Individual in the category Real Estate and Construction.
Marco has been a member of the Board of Directors of Cepani asbl, The Belgian Centre for Arbitration and Mediation, since 2021. He is vice-president of the NGO Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) and a member of the Permanent Bureau of the Federal Mediation Commission since 2024.

Contact CEPANI

Rue des Sols Stuiversstraat 8 — B-1000 Brussels — +32 2 515 08 35
BTW BE 0413 975 115

Financial information

BNP  BE45 2100 0760 8589 (BIC GEBABEBB)
KBC  BE28 4300 1693 9120 (BIC KREDBEBB)
ING   BE36 3100 7204 1481 (BIC BBRUBEBB)

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