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Statistical survey 2024

CEPANI statistical survey 2024

This yearly report provides a statistical overview of CEPANI arbitration proceedings in 2024 and its evolution in comparison with past years.

In this report, you will find information on proceedings administered by CEPANI such as the origin of the Parties, the language and the seat of the arbitration, the constitution of Arbitral Tribunals, statistics on the appointed Arbitrators, the average duration of CEPANI arbitration procedures and more.

As in 2023, the impact of the economic crisis has led to fewer arbitration proceedings initiated in 2024 than in previous years. This decrease was also echoed by other arbitral institutions.

While the economic climate continues to shape the arbitration landscape, we observed a 15% increase in cases involving exclusively Belgian Parties compared to 2023, underscoring the importance of our services at the domestic level. At the same time, internationalisation remains a defining feature, with 42% of cases involving at least one international Party. Half of our Arbitration cases have been introduced in English, 25 % in Dutch, and 25% in French, highlighting Belgium’s linguistic diversity.

The financial scope of disputes also continues to evolve. Although the number of cases with claims over one million euros slightly decreased to 38% in 2024, expedited proceedings (< €100,000) have increased by 10% in comparison with 2023, showcasing the importance of efficient and cost-effective dispute resolution mechanisms for smaller disputes.

Brussels has reinforced its role as a key hub for arbitration, with 79% of cases selecting Brussels as the seat of arbitration. The remaining 21% of cases were seated in other Belgian cities, reflecting a steady domestic trend.

As an ADR institution administrating judicial processes to resolve disputes, the founding principle of diversity and inclusion of equality is inherent to CEPANI’s core. In 2024, women represented 23% of the arbitrators appointed (71% of which were appointed by the CEPANI Appointments Committee). When taking into consideration the appointments made by the Appointments Committee itself (thus excluding all confirmations of Party appointed Arbitrators), 50% of these appointments were women. 19% of the arbitrators appointed were under the age of 40 (83% of them were appointed by the CEPANI Appointments Committee). These figures reflect the growing commitment of CEPANI for a more inclusive and representative environment.

Finally, CEPANI remains dedicated to ensuring that every case is handled with the utmost efficiency. As we move forward, the 2024 statistics highlight CEPANI’s ability to provide effective solutions for an increasingly diverse range of disputes.

Origin of the Parties

In 2024, 58% of the cases were introduced between Belgian Parties and 42% involved at least one Belgian and one international Party.

Compared to 2023, procedures involving exclusively Belgian Parties have increased by 15%.

  • 58%
    Belgium vs Belgium
  • 42%
    Belgium vs Int.

International Parties

  • Royaume-Uni
  • Pays-Bas
  • Allemagne
  • États-Unis
  • Espagne
  • Irlande
  • France

Language of the arbitral proceedings

In 2024, the arbitral proceedings introduced in French have increased by 3%, while the proceedings introduced in Dutch have increased by 8%. The proceedings introduced in English have decreased by 11% in comparison to 2023. 

Indeed, 50% of the cases were introduced in English, 25% in Dutch and 25% in French.

  • Dutch
  • French
  • English

Place of the Arbitration

Brussels as place of arbitration is a steady trend. 

In 2024, 79% of the cases have chosen Brussels as seat of their arbitration and 21% of the cases had their seat in another city, which were all located in Belgium.

In comparison to 2023, 74% of the cases had Brussels as seat of arbitration, while 26% of the cases had their seat in another city in Belgium.

  • Brussels
  • Belgium

Nature of the dispute

  • In 2024, 8% of the cases concerned general issues of civil law;

  • 41% related to a service agreement;

  • 17% related to corporate disputes;

  • 34% related to a share purchase agreement.

    In comparison to 2023, share purchase agreement related disputes have decreased with almost 10%, while service agreement related disputes have decreased with 7%. 17% of the cases were related to corporate disputes in 2024 compared to none in 2023 (!)

  • 8%
    Civil law disputes
  • 41%
    Service agreement disputes
  • 17%
    Corporate disputes
  • 34%
    Share purchase agreement disputes

Amount in dispute

In 2024, the expedited proceedings (< € 100.000,00) have been very successful (32% of the cases), while 38% of our cases have an amount in dispute over 1 million euros.

  • ↓ € 100.000,00 32%
  • € 100.000,00
    € 200.000,00
  • € 200.000,00
    € 500.000,00
  • € 500.000,00
    € 1.000.000,00
  • € 1.000.000,00
    € 10.000.000,00
  • ↑ € 10.000.000,00 5%

Arbitral Tribunal

The majority, i.e. 53% of the Arbitral Tribunals were composed of three Arbitrators, while 44% were appointed in 2023.

  • Chair
    • 62.5% Chosen by parties
    • 37.5% Appointments by Committee
  • Sole Arbitrator
    • 0% Chosen by parties
    • 100% Appointments by Committee
  • Emergency Arbitrator
    • 1
  • Arbitrator replaced
    • 3
  • Challenge procedure
    • 0

Woman in Arbitration


In 2024, 23% of the Arbitrators appointed were women, 71% of which were appointed by the CEPANI Appointments Committee and 29% directly by the Parties. If one compares with 2023, there is a slight increase, indeed in 2023, 20% of the Arbitrators appointed were women, 50% of which were appointed by the CEPANI Appointments Committee and 50% directly by the Parties.

When taking into consideration the appointments made by the Appointments Committee itself (thus excluding all confirmations of Party appointed Arbitrators), 50% of these appointments were women in 2024. 

This showcases that increasing diversity in arbitration does not depend only on the institutions but also on the Parties.

Below 40 in Arbitration


In 2024, 19% of the Arbitrators appointed were under 40 years old (13% in 2023).

83% of them were appointed by the CEPANI Appointments Committee, 17% by the Parties.

Average duration of a CEPANI Arbitration in 2024:

In 2024, an arbitration administrated under the CEPANI Arbitration Rules lasted an average of 16 months as from the introduction of the procedure.

Expedited proceedings lasted an average of 10,5 months as from the introduction of the procedure.

Ordinary Procedure: average duration 16 months
1 2,5m
2 1,5m
3 12m

1. Introduction to appointment

The CEPANI Arbitration Rules provide for a one-month deadline for Parties to pay the advance on arbitration costs. This delay (2,5 months) is solely due to the parties' delay in paying the advance for arbitration costs. Indeed, the Appointments Committee only appoints the Arbitral Tribunal when the advance on arbitration costs is paid in full.

2. Appointment → TOR:

The CEPANI Arbitration Rules provide for a one-month deadline. Clearly, Arbitrators - in collaboration with the Parties and their Counsel – have made every effort to meet this strict deadline.

3. TOR → Award

When drawing up the Terms of Reference, or as soon as possible thereafter, the Arbitral Tribunal will organise a case management meeting between the Arbitral Tribunal and all Parties involved in the proceedings. This meeting may take place in person, via telephone or video conference. After having consulted the Parties, the Arbitral Tribunal will draw up the Procedural Timetable. The CEPANI Arbitration Rules grant the Arbitral Tribunal a deadline of six months to render its Arbitral Award as from the signature of the Terms of Reference. The average time limit of 12 months is due to the fact that Procedural Timetables are established in consultation with the parties and exceeding – and thus extending – the six-month deadline provided for in the CEPANI Arbitration Rules.
Expedited Procedure average duration 10,5 months
1 3,5m
2 7m

1. Introduction → Appointment

Following Article 29 of the CEPANI Arbitration Rules, the expedited procedure shall apply if the amount in dispute does not exceed the amount of € 100.000,00 or if the Parties so agree. In the context of an expedited procedure there are no Terms of Reference.

2. Appointment → Award

Moreover, the deadline granted to the Tribunal to make the Arbitral Award is 4 months as of the date of the establishment of the Procedural Timetable. In comparison with 2023, an expedited proceeding under the CEPANI Rules lasted 6 months.

Contacter LE CEPANI

Rue des Sols 8 — B-1000 Bruxelles — +32 2 515 08 35
TVA BE 0413 975 115

Informations financières

BNP  BE45 2100 0760 8589 (BIC GEBABEBB)
KBC  BE28 4300 1693 9120 (BIC KREDBEBB)
ING   BE36 3100 7204 1481 (BIC BBRUBEBB)

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