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The (Un)usual Suspects

PAW Joint event. Join AFA, CEPANI, NAI and VIAC for a lively morning discussion on the role of arbitral institutions.


Join AFA, CEPANI, NAI and VIAC for a lively morning discussion on the role of arbitral institutions. The key question being should arbitral institutions focus on welfare or order?

Topics that will be addressed include amongst others the extent to which an arbitral institution should be proactive in finding amicable solutions to a conflict, whether institutions should provide rules of good conduct and ethical charts for arbitrators, and whether they need to ensure the latter are complied with.


Marc Henry

Benoît Kohl

Niamh Leinwather

Gerard Meijer

Camilla Perera – De Wit

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Lun – Ven 09:00h – 12:30h & 14:00h – 17:00h