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Azelio Fulmini

avocat , Fulmini-Law SRL
Informations personnelles
  • Langues: Anglais , Français , Italien , Espagnol
  • Nationalité: Italie
  • Pays de résidence: Belgique

Domaine de spécialisation

  • Droit Administratif Droit Pénal Informations and technologies de communications Assurance Coentreprise, Consortia, Coopération Droit médical Sports Responsabilité civile

Admission au barreau

  • Belgique

Expérience avec le système juridique

  • Albanie
  • Belgique
  • Bénin
  • Suisse
  • Côte d'Ivoire
  • Cameroun
  • République démocratique du Congo
  • République du Congo
  • France
  • Royaume-Uni
  • Italie
  • Maroc
  • Pologne
  • Roumanie
  • Saint-Marin
  • Slovaquie
  • Tunisie

Expérience professionnelle

Azelio Fulmini, a lawyer by passion, offers professional experience in the public and private sectors. After acquiring academic degrees up to and including a doctorate in European law, he worked at the French Barreau in Brussels, at the Legal Affairs Committee and the Legal Service of the European Parliament and at the Court of Justice. He then had experience as General Manager for European Affairs in a multinational company and senior legal advisor for the EU/South Korea Free Trade Agreement. Back at Barreau, he practises European law, international contracts, international civil and criminal liability, EU projects as an External Independent Ethical Advisor, the European free market, European technical standardisation and imports, international enforcement procedures, and follows the application of the EU Digital Act, the General Data Protection Regulation.
Azelio has a very independent, creative, problem solving spirit.

Contacter LE CEPANI

Rue des Sols 8 — B-1000 Bruxelles — +32 2 515 08 35
TVA BE 0413 975 115

Informations financières

BNP  BE45 2100 0760 8589 (BIC GEBABEBB)
KBC  BE28 4300 1693 9120 (BIC KREDBEBB)
ING   BE36 3100 7204 1481 (BIC BBRUBEBB)

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Lun – Ven 09:00h – 12:30h & 14:00h – 17:00h