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  • Les bureaux du CEPANI seront fermés du 25 décembre au 1er janvier 2025 incl.

Eric De Brabandere

Avocat et Professeur , DMDB Law
Informations personnelles
  • Langues: Anglais , Néerlandais , Français
  • Nationalité: Belgique
  • Pays de résidence: Belgique

Domaine de spécialisation

  • Investissement / Droit International Public Arbitrage Responsabilité civile Energie et Ressources naturelles Environnement Vente, Achat Agriculture, sylviculture, pêche Finance et Droit bancaire Construction, Ingénierie Droit du travail/Droit social Informations and technologies de communications Propriété intellectuelle Arts, Loisirs, Divertissement, Tourisme Droits des sociétés/ Fusions et acquisitions

Admission au barreau

  • Belgique

Expérience avec le système juridique

  • Belgique

Expérience professionnelle

Eric De Brabandere is an international lawyer, with special expertise in international investment law and arbitration, and international dispute settlement. He is fluent in French, Dutch and English. He was admitted to practice in Belgium in 2002. He holds the chair of international dispute settlement at Leiden University. Eric De Brabandere’s practice focuses on serving as arbitrator. He has been appointed as presiding arbitrator, sole arbitrator, and co-arbitrator in international commercial arbitrations. He acts as expert in international proceedings, and advises on international commercial arbitration, investment law and arbitration, and international dispute settlement. He has previously acted as counsel in investment treaty arbitrations under the ICSID Convention and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. He is listed as arbitrator suitable for appointment in bilateral disputes under the EU’s trade agreements with third countries established by European Commission Decision C(2020) 8905 of 16.12.2020.

Contacter LE CEPANI

Rue des Sols 8 — B-1000 Bruxelles — +32 2 515 08 35
TVA BE 0413 975 115

Informations financières

BNP  BE45 2100 0760 8589 (BIC GEBABEBB)
KBC  BE28 4300 1693 9120 (BIC KREDBEBB)
ING   BE36 3100 7204 1481 (BIC BBRUBEBB)

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FEB/VBO, Rue Ravenstein 4 — B-1000 Bruxelles
Lun – Ven 09:00h – 12:30h & 14:00h – 17:00h