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Mediation is the most effective, powerful and constructive tool for resolving conflicts, but for many companies it remains (too) unknown. Therefore, the Federal Mediation Commission and the Institute of Company Lawyers are pleased to invite you to an exceptional day dedicated to ‘Business Mediation’, on Monday 7 October 2024.

Mediation is the most effective, powerful and constructive tool for resolving conflicts, but for many companies it remains (too) unknown. Therefore, the Federal Mediation Commission and the Institute of Company Lawyers are pleased to invite you to an exceptional day dedicated to ‘Business Mediation’, on Monday 7 October 2024. This day is part of Mediation Week 2024, an initiative by the Federal Mediation Commission. This partnership reflects the shared commitment to upgrading mediation.

The event consists of two online sessions: one in Dutch from 9 am to 10.30 am and one in French from 11 am to 12.30 pm. Participation is free and open to all corporate lawyers, business leaders and entrepreneurs who would like to better understand the importance of mediation for their organisation.

Speaking on the subject will be Theo De Beir, accredited mediator in civil, commercial and social matters and former member and president of the Federal Mediation Commission, and Philippe Lambilliotte, accredited mediator in civil, commercial and social matters and member of the Bureau of the Federal Mediation Commission. The presentations will include the seasoned practical experience of two company lawyers, Tom Wijnant and Vanessa Depoortere, co-chairs of the IBJ-IJE's Effective Disputes Resolution Practice Group, and the event will be moderated by Julie Dutordoir, IBJ-IJE’s General Manager.

Registration is possible through the following links: Nederlands - français

Do not hesitate to register for this instructive online event!

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