Kluwer Arbitration’s Profile Navigator and Relationship Indicator Tools
Access 17,000+ data-driven profiles of arbitrators, expert witnesses, and counsels, derived from Kluwer Arbitration's comprehensive collection of international cases and awards, and appointment data of leading arbitral institutions.
Assess relationships of arbitration stakeholders to uncover potential conflicts of interest.
Direct access to all publications and arbitration cases within the Kluwer Arbitration database associated with an arbitrator, expert witness, or counsel to gain an overview of their views and approach.
Invitation from Wolters Kluwer
Already have a data-driven profile on Kluwer Arbitration’s Profile Navigator and want to upgrade it with additional self-reported info?
Wolters Kluwer are offering CEPANI members the opportunity to enrich their current profile with the below (and more):
Experience as arbitrator/counsel/expedited arbitrator/emergency arbitrator
Work Positions
Email eleanor.taylor@wolterskluwer.com requesting the creation of a self-reported profile, attaching your CV, LinkedIn profile and any other bio info you think useful.