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Did you miss Wolters Kluwer’s Webinar Panel Session - The After Life of Arbitral Proceedings: Finding Finality, on 11 June?

Among the cornerstone reasons that international arbitration is often preferred by users over national court litigation are the finality of the proceedings and enforceability of the resulting arbitral award. In the webinar hosted by Wolters Kluwer, ‘The After Life of Arbitral Proceedings: Finding Finality’, our expert speakers explored finality and enforceability from various perspectives.

Did you miss Wolters Kluwer’s Webinar Panel Session - The After Life of Arbitral Proceedings: Finding Finality, on 11 June?

 Among the cornerstone reasons that international arbitration is often preferred by users over national court litigation are the finality of the proceedings and enforceability of the resulting arbitral award. In the webinar hosted by Wolters Kluwer, ‘The After Life of Arbitral Proceedings: Finding Finality’, our expert speakers explored finality and enforceability from various perspectives. They touched upon the lis pendens doctrine, and how it may come into play to strike a balance between the authority of courts and arbitral tribunals while arbitration proceedings are ongoing. They also considered the afterlife of an arbitral award once it is issued, including the various grounds of the New York Convention that can be invoked to permit a party to resist its enforcement when it is presented to a national court. 

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