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Tom Heremans

Attorney - Partner , CMS Belgium
Personal information
  • Languages: Dutch , French , English
  • Nationality: Belgium
  • Country of residence: Belgium

Area of specialisation

  • Intellectual Property Distribution, Franchising

Bar admission

  • Belgium

Experience with legal system

  • Belgium

Professional experience

Tom specialises in copyright, trademark and patent law, advertising and marketing law, Internet and electronic commerce, media and technology, privacy, distribution law and commercial litigation. His clients include major food stuff manufacturers, domain name registries, retailers, e- commerce companies and international football organisations.
Tom is a member of the Belgian copyright law association, of the International Trademark Association and of the Benelux trademark association BMM, of which he has been the president.
Tom published several legal books and articles, and is a lecturer at ODISEE/KULeuven.
Tom studied at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), and holds an LL.M. from the University of California, Los Angeles. Het has been a member of the Brussels bar since 1991.

Contact CEPANI

Rue des Sols Stuiversstraat 8 — B-1000 Brussels — +32 2 515 08 35
BTW BE 0413 975 115

Financial information

BNP  BE45 2100 0760 8589 (BIC GEBABEBB)
KBC  BE28 4300 1693 9120 (BIC KREDBEBB)
ING   BE36 3100 7204 1481 (BIC BBRUBEBB)

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Mon – Fri 09:00h – 12:30h & 14:00h – 17:00h