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Yavuz Selim Sarıibrahimoğlu

Attorney at law , Sarıibrahimoğlu Law Office
Personal information
  • Languages: English , German , Arabic , Italian , Russian , Chinese (Mandarin) , French , Turkish
  • Nationality: Türkiye
  • Country of residence: Türkiye

Area of specialisation

  • Corporate Law / M&A Arbitration Construction, Engineering Competition Employment Energy and Natural Resources Insurance Investment / Public International Law Finance and Banking Taxation

Bar admission

  • Türkiye

Experience with legal system

  • Türkiye

Professional experience

Sarıibrahimoğlu Law Office, is an independent full service law office providing legal services to domestic and international clients represented in three main cities of Türkiye – Ankara, Istanbul, and Izmir. Sarıibrahimoğlu Law Firm has been providing legal services since 1976. You may kindly visit the website of our Office to have a general idea about our practice areas, organization / association memberships, relations with diplomatic missions and international organizations, associated attorneys and law offices, references (including the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye) etc. Sarıibrahimoğlu Law Firm provides legal services in Turkish, English, Arabic, German, French, Russian in legal consultancy, litigation, arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution mechanisms to national and international clients also in diplomatic levels.
We act as legal consultants for various diplomatic missions and representatives in Turkey such as Embassies and Consulate Generals. As Sarıibrahimoğlu Law Office, we have been awarded tenders by the European Union Commission Department of Finance and Tender Procurement Department three consecutive times. These tenders were open to all national and international law offices. The main contents were but are not limited to the arbitration, FIDIC, PRAG treaty, insurance, finance, and banking as attached to this e-mail but not limited to. We also do have remarkable successes such as obtaining decisions that set precedents in the customs union case and the European Court of Justice is one of our vast experiences YEDAŞ Precedent Verdict of EU Courts (our Client) and as well as before the World Bank procurement principles upon a hearing in Washington.
Also, our founding partner, Dr. Selim Sarıibrahimoğlu has been a our founding partner, Dr. Selim Sarıibrahimoğlu has been awarded decoration orders from Spain, Brazil, Austria, and Iceland for his success in peacefully resolving disputes between countries and companies.

Contact CEPANI

Rue des Sols Stuiversstraat 8 — B-1000 Brussels — +32 2 515 08 35
BTW BE 0413 975 115

Financial information

BNP  BE45 2100 0760 8589 (BIC GEBABEBB)
KBC  BE28 4300 1693 9120 (BIC KREDBEBB)
ING   BE36 3100 7204 1481 (BIC BBRUBEBB)

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Mon – Fri 09:00h – 12:30h & 14:00h – 17:00h