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Robbie Tas

Prof. KU Leuven - partner intui , intui
Personal information
  • Languages: English , Dutch , French
  • Nationality: Belgium
  • Country of residence: Belgium

Area of specialisation

  • Corporate Law / M&A Joint Ventures, Consortia, Cooperation

Bar admission

  • Belgium

Experience with legal system

  • Belgium

Professional experience

Robbie Tas is holder of several degrees earned at the KU Leuven (1990 Bachelor of Applied sciences; 1993 Master in Business engineering, specialization finance; 1994 Master of Laws; 1994 Complementary studies ‘Tax Law’; 2002 PhD in Law).

From 1994 to 2001, he served as a research fellow within the team of Professor Koen Geens at the Jan Ronse Institute of the KU Leuven. In 2002, he obtained his PhD with a thesis on the maintenance of capital in public limited liability companies and private limited liability companies.

From 1997 to 2003, Robbie was in charge of the legal secretariat of the International Commission of Appeal at NASDAQ Europe. He was member of the board of directors of electricity company Luminus from 2002 to 2005.

Since 2004, he is a lecturer in the Master’s Programme of Corporate Law at the KU Leuven, Brussels campus. In 2012, he was guest lecturer in the postgraduate programme ‘Estate planning’ at the VUB. Robbie is a regular contributor to ‘TRV’, the Journal for Legal Entities and Companies. He is also president of ‘VRG-Alumni’, the alumni association of the law faculty of the KU Leuven. He has published extensively on corporate and association law and is a much sought-after speaker on these topics.

He is an active member of the Belgian center for company law. The minister of justice called upon his expertise within the context of the company law reform. He is also an independent director and president of the board of directors of the investment fund Aphilion

Robbie started his career as a lawyer in 1995 at the Brussels’ law firm De Bandt Van Hecke & Lagae (currently Linklaters). In 2000, he set up his own law firm in Leuven. In 2002, he became partner at the law firm Maxius. In 2006, he participated in the creation of the law firm Curia. He co-founded intui in 2013.

Robbie is specialized in commercial and business law, with particular focus on corporate and non-profit law. His clients include independent businessmen and companies,

Contact CEPANI

Rue des Sols Stuiversstraat 8 — B-1000 Brussels — +32 2 515 08 35
BTW BE 0413 975 115

Financial information

BNP  BE45 2100 0760 8589 (BIC GEBABEBB)
KBC  BE28 4300 1693 9120 (BIC KREDBEBB)
ING   BE36 3100 7204 1481 (BIC BBRUBEBB)

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