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CEPANI40 turns 20 in style!

On 29 August 2024, CEPANI40 held a special edition of its now traditional summer drinks to celebrate its 20th anniversary.

Guillaume Croisant
Counsel, Linklaters.
Guillaume Croisant
Counsel, Linklaters

On 29 August 2024, CEPANI40 held a special edition of its now traditional summer drinks to celebrate its 20th anniversary.

For this occasion, the event was not organised on the rooftop of the Jam Hotel (which welcomed the past editions of the summer drinks, initiated by past co-chairs Sophie Goldman and Sigrid Van Rompaey): the terrace of Freshfields Brussels, which offered wonderful sunset views of the capital.

The event, which welcomed over 100 past and present below40 arbitration practitioners, was the occasion to thank the successive co-chairs of CEPANI40 and their respective steering committees for their contribution to the success of the organisation throughout its 20 years (by chronological order):

-       Dirk De Meulemeester and Olivier Caprasse, Founding Fathers

-       Maud Piers and Marc Dal

-       Vanessa Foncke and Benoit Kohl

-       Sophie Goldman and Sigrid Van Rompaey

-       Katherine Jonckheere and current co-chairs Lauren Rasking and Guillaume Croisant, as well as their steering committee members Lily Kengen, Dodo Chochitaichvili, Beatrice Van Tornout, Iris Raynaud, Sophie Bourgois, Astrid Moreau, Camille Libert, Adrien Fink, Jan Janssen, Alexandre Hublet and Bart De Bock

-       Last but not least, CEPANI Secretary General, Emma Van Campenhoudt, who has ensured the smooth integration of the young group within CEPANI, and the continuity of CEPANI40, since day one

To 20 more years, and many more!

Neem contact op met CEPANI

Stuiversstraat 8 — B-1000 Brussel — +32 2 515 08 35
BTW BE 0413 975 115

Financiële informatie

BNP  BE45 2100 0760 8589 (BIC GEBABEBB)
KBC  BE28 4300 1693 9120 (BIC KREDBEBB)
ING   BE36 3100 7204 1481 (BIC BBRUBEBB)

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