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Enforcement of awards in practice: navigating the challenges

CEPANI40 hopes to see many of you on 6 February (6pm) at its first event of the year on the enforcement of awards in practice, kindly hosted by NautaDutilh.

CEPANI40 hopes to see many of you on 6 February (6pm) at its first event of the year on the enforcement of awards in practice, kindly hosted by NautaDutilh.

Our distinguished speakers – Maarten Draye (Hanotiau & van den Berg), Gabriele Ruscalla (Liedekerke), Charlotte Van Themsche (NautaDutilh), and a representative from an asset tracing firm to be confirmed – will share their practical experiences of exequatur, annulment and attachments proceedings, asset tracing, and the specificities of enforcement against sovereigns.

The seminar will be followed by networking drinks.

Neem contact op met CEPANI

Stuiversstraat 8 — B-1000 Brussel — +32 2 515 08 35
BTW BE 0413 975 115

Financiële informatie

BNP  BE45 2100 0760 8589 (BIC GEBABEBB)
KBC  BE28 4300 1693 9120 (BIC KREDBEBB)
ING   BE36 3100 7204 1481 (BIC BBRUBEBB)

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VBO/FEB, Ravensteinstraat 4 — B-1000 Brussel
Ma- Vr 09:00u – 12:30u & 14:00u – 17:00u