Naar de inhoud gaan

Fabrice Fages

Partner, Latham & Watkins
Persoonlijke informatie
  • Talen: Frans , Engels , Duits
  • Nationaliteit: Frankrijk
  • Land van verblijf: Frankrijk

Gebied van specialisatie

  • Arbitrage

Toelating tot de balie

  • Frankrijk
  • België

Ervaring met het juridisch systeem

  • Frankrijk

Professionele ervaring

Fabrice Fages advises French and international clients and their US subsidiaries on complex commercial disputes and sensitive compliance and ESG matters.

Mr. Fages helps financial institutions, multinational companies, and French corporates to prevent and mitigate risk and to navigate litigation, including:

Civil, commercial, and criminal litigation
Mass/class action litigation
Internal and government investigations
International arbitration and mediation
Mr. Fages also regularly helps clients implement compliance and ESG programs.

A versatile, internationally recognized lawyer, he draws on both extensive experience appearing before judges and well-honed negotiation skills to avoid litigation. Mr. Fages brings a business sensibility to help clients navigate crisis management, cross-border and French law compliance-related issues. With a broad perspective on complex disputes, he offers clients a strategic view toward dispute resolution.

Neem contact op met CEPANI

Stuiverstraat 8 — B-1000 Brussel — +32 2 515 08 35
BTW BE 0413 975 115

Financiële informatie

BNP  BE45 2100 0760 8589 (BIC GEBABEBB)
KBC  BE28 4300 1693 9120 (BIC KREDBEBB)
ING   BE36 3100 7204 1481 (BIC BBRUBEBB)

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VBO/FEB, Ravensteinstraat 4 — B-1000 Brussel
Ma- Vr 09:00u – 12:30u & 14:00u – 17:00u