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Maud Piers

Hoofddocent Arbitragerecht en ADR , University of Ghent
Persoonlijke informatie
  • Talen: Nederlands , Engels , Frans
  • Nationaliteit: België
  • Land van verblijf: België

Gebied van specialisatie

  • Arbitrage

Ervaring met het juridisch systeem

  • België

Professionele ervaring

1. Associate Professor of Arbitration Law and ADR at Ghent University Belgium
- Current classes: International Commercial Arbitration; Introduction to ADR; Arbitration Skills; Mediation Skills
- Former classes: European Private Law; Private law; Medical Law; American Law.

2.Director Center for the Future of Dispute Resolution
- Piers & Zheng, “The Lin-gang Framework Plan in the Shanghai free-trade zone: a stepping stone for reform of international arbitration in China”, ARIA 2022/32, 361-398
- Ongenae & Piers, "Procedural Formalities in Arbitration: Towards a Technologically Neutral Legal Framework", co-author Ongenae, K., J.Int.Arbitr. 2021/38, 27-58
- Piers & Aschauer, (Eds.), Arbitration in the Digital Age - The Brave New World of Arbitration, CUP, 2017, 314 pp
- Artificial Intelligence in Arbitration, UNCITRAL Academy DRDE Panel Discussion, Singapore, 2023
- Independence, impartiality and accountability in arbitration, UMaastricht TRIIAL Conference, Brussels, 2022
- Will remote proceedings be the pebble that creates the ripple of change in the arbitration waters?, SUFE Conference ‘Post-pandemic Dispute Resolution’, Shanghai, 2021
- Symposium Navigating the Future of Dispute Resolution, Ghent, 2023
- Conference ‘The future is now! Blockchain, Metaverse, Web3 and (what it really) means for arbitration’, Ghent, 2023
- Conference ‘Transnational dispute Resolution in an Increasingly Digitalized World’, Online, 2021

3. Arbitration practitioner: acted in over 20 cases under the Cepani Rules, ICC rules and ad hoc proceedings, mainly as an arbitrator, but also as consultant, legal expert and previously as counsel.

4. Member of arbitration-related organizations/institutions:
- Cepani (Vice President, Member of Board of Directors, various working groups)
- VIAC Legal Think Tank
- CIArb Technology in ADR Thought Leadership Group
- ELI Dispute Resolution SIG (Vice-President)

Neem contact op met CEPANI

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